금요일, 10월 18, 2024
HomeWeight LossWynter lost 70 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Wynter lost 70 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Wynter lost 70 pounds. Six years ago, she was depressed and dealing with a number of health issues, including diabetes, anemia, kidney disease, and anxiety. Adopting an alkaline vegan lifestyle truly transfomed her life.

wynter before and after

Social Media:
FB: Wynter Breeze
TikTok: Phoenix Raye
IG: @Cold_Summer_Breeze

My name is Wynter, and I began my weight loss journey six years ago on July 11, 2018. Before my weight loss journey, I was a depressed alcoholic. My eating habits were despicable. I was also suffering from type 2 diabetes, chronic anemia, kidney disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and anxiety. I was taking five different medications daily, three times a day.

The final straw for me was when I stepped on the scale at my friend’s house, and the number was 188.8 pounds! I thought to myself, ‘That must be somebody’s phone number or address because I KNOW that’s  not my weight, lol!’ That day CHANGED MY LIFE!

I stopped eating meat and dairy cold turkey (no pun intended). I connected with health-conscious people, studied the alkaline lifestyle, and adopted it IMMEDIATELY! At that time,  my twin daughters were seven years old and I was determined to get healthy for them.

I’m only 5’2″, so being 188 lbs looked HORRIBLE on me! Today, I weigh 118 pounds. I exercise daily, and I’m mindful of what I eat. My health issues reversed naturally! I drink herbs and water daily, and I speak life into myself. It was challenging in the beginning, but I was determined. I went from a size 14 to a size 2/3.

wynter before and after

My doctor was AMAZED at my transformation! This lifestyle isn’t for the weak! The hardest thing for me was to kick coffee to the curb. I did it, and now I can’t tolerate its smell! I hope my testimony encourages someone. If I can lose 64 pounds in seven months, so can you!  Keep moving forward, and if you fall, get back up and try again. We’re not perfect, we’re HUMAN. 

The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is that I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to. I’ve always struggled with my weight, but when I was fed up, I focused, I prayed,  and I succeeded.

The advice I have for women who want to lose weight is LOSE WEIGHT FOR YOURSELF! Some women are comfortable being “Thick” or “Chunky” but then have an encounter with someone who makes them feel less than because they’re carrying extra pounds. Now they “Feel” the need to lose weight because someone diminished their self-esteem.Weight loss is not about satisfying other people’s opinions on your physicality. 

It’s about us as women being HEALTHY and feeling good. We live in this body daily, and we have to do what makes us happy and not what satisfies others. They’re irrelevant!

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