The Appalachian Trail is one of the most popular thru-hiking trails in the world, but it is not the easiest. I have thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail and in this post, I’ll give you all the information you need to complete the trail. At the end, I have links to my daily hiking journal which will give you insight into what it is really like on the trail.
According to some estimates as many as 75% of hikers quit the trail, most within the first week. Will you be one of the 25% that completes that hike?
The Appalachian Trail in the United States has about 5000 people attempting to hike the whole Trail end to end in a year. It is estimated that less than 25% successfully finish. This is substantially less than the estimated 2,000,000 plus people who spend at least one-day section hiking the Appalachian Trail every year. Hiking the AT is very popular.
The Appalachian Trail was the last thru-hiking trail for me to complete the ‘Hiking Triple Crown‘. Having already hiked the Pacific Crest Trail and Continental Divide Trail I thought this trail would be easy. I was wrong. This 2,190-mile trail is no easy ‘walk in the woods’. At times it is crazy steep and covered in slippery rocks. Bears await to steal food and the Rattlesnakes are rather large. An easy hike, it is not.
Appalachian Trail Tips 2024
Do you need a permit to hike the Appalachian Trail?
The answer is yes and no. Designated sections of the trail such as the Great Smokey National Park, Shenandoah National Park, White Mountains, and Baxter State Park require permits. They are easily obtained as the hiker gets closer to the National Parks entrance. The Appalachian Trail permit cost varies depending on the park.
Firstly, you should register your hike with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. It is not compulsory, however, all hikers should register. For more information from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, click here.

Permits for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Hiking north this is the first place where hikers need permits. Permits to hike in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park cost $8 per night, with a maximum fee of $40. They can be obtained online before entering the park. The process is quick and simple.
There are rules that hikers must follow when in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park such as no wild camping. Hikers must only stay in shelters but must give up a spot in the shelter to non thru hikers and camp nearby, are you confused? Don’t worry, the permits and more information can be found on their website, click here.
Permits for Shenandoah National Park
Permits to hike through Shenandoah National Park can be obtained online. They cost $9 per night plus a $6 reservation fee. then there is the park entry fee of $15 per person. There are some restrictions on camping in the park, for more information, click here.
Permits for the White Mountains
No permits are required but camping fees of $10 per night apply.
As I had a good weather window in the White Mountains I chose to make miles, which turned out to be a good decision as bad weather hit me on the descent from Mt Washington. If you are hiking in ‘The Whites‘ and there is a good weather window then make the miles and enjoy the awesome scenery.
For more information on hiking in the White Mountains, click here.
Permits for Baxter State Park
In the past, many thru-hikers have abused this park with their bad behavior and as a result, it is a rather regulated place for Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers. But don’t worry, permits are easy and the staff very friendly, just don’t be a dickhead and give every other hiker behind you a bad name!
Free permits can be obtained in person at the Campground Ranger Station, the AT passes it en route to the summit of Mt Katahdin. There are rules and restrictions regarding camping and quotas that all thru-hikers should notice. They seem to change regularly, for more information go to the Baxter State Park website, click here.
Lightweight Gear is Important
Do not be that hiker who starts the trail with a 55-pound (25kg) backpack filled with luxury gear and heavy equipment. There are many reasonably priced options to lighten your pack. Also, there is no need to carry 2 weeks worth of food when starting the trail, yes, it is more common than you might think! For southbound hikers you will need to carry a bit more food to make it through the 100-mile wilderness, but not 2 weeks worth of food!
I hiked the Appalachian Trail with a base weight of around 15 lb / 6.5kg. This was lighter than most people but not in the ultralight region. It included 2 cameras, a heavy charging battery (1lb), and other items that many would consider excessive. My baseweight now, is around 10lb or less. The best Appalachian Trail tip I can give is to lighten your pack weight.
I used commonly available, high-quality, lightweight gear from reputable gear companies. Most of the equipment has been used on multiple thru-hikes and has withstood the test of 100s of days of hard use. Having a light backpack will enhance your chances of successfully completing the trail.
I encourage you to check out these gear posts below. They will help you choose high quality lightweight gear for the Appalachian Trail.
Rain Gear
I thought Rain Gear should have its own topic for no other reason than it rains a lot on the Appalachian Trail. At times the rain is enough to make people quit the trail and go home to their warm and dry home. Rather than quitting the trail be prepared for extended periods of rain. I used a combination of a hiking umbrella, an ultralight rain jacket, and rain pants to stay dry on the trail. You should too.
Food and Resupply and Bounce Boxes
Bounce Box
A bounce box is a small box packed with gear that the hiker continually mails to themselves as they make their way along the trail. On Thru Hikes I have always used a Bounce Box to carry such gear as my Passport, winter hiking clothes (when not needed), extra food, Computer and charging cables, spare hiking gear, and more.
At times it was annoying when I would arrive in a town on a Sunday and need to wait for the post office to open the following day.

Buying Food along the way
There are so many trail towns to purchase food that sending food to oneself on the trail is not necessary. Some hikers have special dietary needs and might need to have their food sent to them as they hike along the trail.
Just be aware that the postage will add to the cost of the hike, so will stay in town waiting for the post office to open. A good option is to post the food or bounce box to a hotel or hostel that is friendly towards thru-hikers. The AT Guide (more info in the Guidebook section) will have a list of hiker-friendly places.
Most Gas Stations have enough food for you to resupply and get back on the trail unless you are extremely fussy about your food. If you are too fussy about your food then there is a chance that will change.
Vegans have turned vegetarian, and vegetarians have turned into omnivores while hiking the Appalachian Trail. Be aware that it is rare to hike more than 50 miles without some sort of option for getting a resupply of food, even the 100-mile wilderness has options for a food drop halfway!
For a detailed look at all the resupply options on the Appalachian Trail check out The AT Guide, for more info, click here.
Training for the Appalachian Trail
Some hikers train for months and years to get in shape for hiking the Appalachian Trail. Others just keep themselves in reasonable shape and start the trail with little or no training. It takes time for the body to get used to its new life of hiking long distances every day.
A good option is to do a few overnight trips prior to starting the trail to get the body used to carrying a heavy load. It will also serve to let you know what is is not needed as you will probably start off carrying too much.
There will be pain and fatigue. Experience on the trail will, in time, teach the hiker the difference between an injury and just a bit of soreness. Having said all that there are some things that all hikers will experience.
“Everyone will get sore feet, Everyone will get tired, but not Everyone gets injured.”
Rest Days
This brings me to my next point, rest. Taking a zero day, or rest day is necessary on occasions. It allows the body and mind to rest and allows time to research and resupply for the trail ahead. The more I hike, the more I dislike taking a zero/rest day. My body seems to shut down and start to repair itself if I do nothing for a day. It makes for a slow day hiking when I eventually get back on the trail.
Do you know why so many older hikers finish the Appalachian Trail? Older hikers don’t push too hard and stop before getting completely exhausted. They listen to their body. Younger hikers should follow in the footsteps of their elders, don’t push too hard, and your body will adapt to trail life.
Gear Shakedowns
A shakedown hike is a great idea. Not so much to get physically fit, only many days and weeks of hiking on the trail can do that, but more so to test out the gear you plan to carry.
“The biggest change a hiker on the Appalachian Trail must undergo is the change from going on a camping trip, to going on a hiking trip.”
Gear that makes ‘camping‘ comfortable must be reduced to make the ‘hiking‘ more comfortable. Let me repeat that in another way. Get rid of the excess crap from your backpack. Do not get rid of the essentials that will keep you safe, warm and dry, just get rid of the luxuries.
“This is not a camping trip, it is a hiking trip.”
Only take what you need to be comfortable when hiking. The sooner you get this into your head, the sooner you will get rid of heavy excess gear and the sooner you will enjoy hiking every day.
How much does it cost to hike the Appalachian Trail?
A good starting point would be $1000 per month for the average budget hiker. Life on the trail can be extremely cheap or extremely expensive. If you live on a tight budget at home then it is likely you will not spend much money on the trail.
One thing is for certain, staying in towns costs money. A couple of meals a day (you will eat much more than normal) and a few beers at night with a stay in a hotel or hostel can quickly add up to $100 per day. Town days can be expensive. Add in resupply and it can be double that!
I spent around $750 per month while hiking. Expensive side trips to Washington DC and New York and the purchase of a new high-quality camera while on the trail made for an overall budget of more than $1000 per month. The expensive side trips were worth it for me, I will never return to such places so I had to splurge once in my life, maybe you should too!!
Appalachian Trail Guide
AT Guide
The AT Guide is used by almost every hiker on the trail. My Appalachian Trail tip is to buy this guide. All the trail and town information that you will ever need is in the AT Guide
FarOut App
I have used the Far Out App on my hike of the Pacific Crest Trail , Continental Divide Trail and the Te Araroa Trail. I used it again on the Appalachian Trail and it is my advice that hikers should also use it. Click here to download the Guthook App
Pocket Earth Pro App
Pocket Earth Pro is a set of offline maps that I have been using for several years now. They do not require access to the internet and are a great resource when in town or when needing to get off the trail in an emergency as all the other hiking trails are shown on this map, not just the Appalachian Trail. Download the App from the Apple Store here.
Appalachian Trail Weather
Not everyone can look at the clouds and see the angry high cirrus clouds and know that a storm is coming in the next 24-48 hours, so use a Weather App. Several Weather Apps are available.
I used the free site from the Weather Channel and it worked well to warn me of bad weather. It is always good to know if a winter storm is coming, or what about that wayward hurricane that is heading your way.
Hiking solo or in a group
Hiking solo is one of the scariest things for thru-hiking novices. It should not be feared and should be embraced. In time you will meet awesome people who hike at the same or similar pace to you and also want company. Hike with them for a while and see if you like hanging out together.
Often I feel sorry for the hikers that attach themselves to groups early on in the trail. They spend so much time and money in trail towns as a group and move very slowly as they make their way along the trail. Many are forced to quit the trail due to lack of money when hiking with a large group and spending too much time in towns. The choice is yours.
If you do hike in a large group then please be considerate of others hiking the trail. Large groups can overrun a shelter and annoy the crap out of others very easily. Don’t be the hiking group everyone wants to hate.
Camping or staying in shelters on the Appalachian Trail
I have a preference to camp in my tent while hiking. That is one of the main reasons I go hiking. Sleeping in a shelter full of snoring dudes or chatty people staying up all night is not for me, besides, I spend most of my time in camp writing up my daily blog posts.
Shelters are well-spaced on the Appalachian Trail but can become quite crowded at times. Early on in the trail during the main hiking season, they fill up by mid-afternoon but most of the shelters also have lots of camping sites.
As people quit the trail, get sick of people snoring, or get sick of mice eating their food the number of people staying in shelters declines. Staying in a quiet shelter during bad weather is amazing. Just watch out for the mice. I had no problems but most hikers have some sort of issue with ninja mice trying to steal food.
Appalachian Trail Tip:
Eat dinner and socialize at the shelter but sleep in your tent.
Hanging food or sleeping with it
Bears are a problem on the Appalachian Trail. Many are very skilled at getting food from trees, backpacks, and shelters. The solution is to hang your food. Unfortunately, most people fail miserably at hanging a food bag in a tree. The result is stolen food, and another problem is the bears that hang around humans.
I never hung my food on the Appalachian Trail and there are many other hikers like me on the trail. I slept with my food every night. My food was stored inside Loksac bags which are said to be smell-resistant plastic bags. I always smell worse than my food. This is not the recommended method but I feel safe doing this. It is safer than doing a poor job hanging your food.
In conclusion, Do your research and don’t necessarily do what I do. If in doubt carry a heavy bear-proof container or bear bag.
Appalachian Trail Northbound
According to information posted on the Appalachian Trail Conservancy website, Northbound hikes are the most popular. The best time to start the Appalachian Trail is between the 1st of March and the 15th of April for hiking NOBO.
Northbound hikes tend to have lots of people. Early starters will still need to deal with snow and potentially dangerous winter conditions and late starters will need to keep moving to make it north before the onset of winter.
Southbound Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike
A Southbound Appalachian Trail thru-hike is often more pleasant than a crowded northbound hike. The SOBO Appalachian Trail thru-hike generally starts between late May and mid-July. Baxter State Park is usually not open until late May.
Southbound AT hikers have to deal with the very annoying bugs of Maine and Vermont which is less than most northbound hikers get to experience.
Late-finishing southbound hikers will need to deal with snow and potentially very cold weather.
Appalachian Trail Flip Flop
A flip-flop hike is becoming very common, especially with the slower hikers and those unable to start their hike at the right time. Common options include starting in Georgia and hiking northbound to Harpers Ferry then flipping up to Maine and hiking southbound to finish in Harper Ferry.
Another option is to start in Harpers Ferry and hike northbound to Maine then flip south to Harpers Ferry and hike southbound to Georgia. The choices are almost unlimited. If you don’t finish the hike in one season then come back another year and finish it as a section hike.
Dangerous Animals on the Appalachian Trail
Ticks on the Appalachian Trail
Ticks are by far the most dangerous animal on the Appalachian Trail. Lyme Disease is common on the trail and almost every hiker will have a tick on them at some stage.
Deet repellent and long clothing can help prevent tick bites. I sprayed my clothing with Permethrin before and during my hike but I still got bitten by ticks. If bitten a course of Doxycycline can prevent the onset of Lyme Disease.
Rattlesnakes on the Appalachian Trail
Several different species of rattlesnake are found on the Appalachian trail, most commonly sighted by hikers in and around Pennsylvania. They make a nice rattle to warn approaching hikers and make for a nice photo opportunity.
Due to this rattle, they are easily sighted on the trail and avoided. Make your way around the snake if you encounter one, after taking a photo and you will be fine. Click here to see Rattlesnakes on the trail
Bears on the Appalachian Trail
Black bears are common on the Appalachian Trail. Much more common than on the Pacific Crest Trail or Continental Divide Trail. Although bears are not dangerous, don’t tempt fate by leaving food around unattended and giving them space.
Favourite days / highlights
Baxter / Katahdin
Mahoosuc Notch
The Whites
Appalachian Trail Traditions
This is just a start, there are more but you need to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail to learn the rest of them.
Travel Insurance for Overseas Hikers
Hikers traveling from overseas to hike the AT will need some form of Travel Insurance. I travel a lot travel is my life. When I travel I always use travel insurance to protect me from potentially large medical bills.
Too Much Planning
Maybe you are suffering from analysis paralysis? If so, Get out and hike.
Are you planning to hike the AT? Do you have any questions? If so, Ask me in the comments section below and I’ll be happy to help out.
Appalachian Trail Documentary
Before going any further make sure you watch my Appalachian Trail Documentary. Subscribe to my YouTube Adventure Cycling and Hiking Channel.
Pre-Appalachian Trail Information
Appalachian Trail Gear List
Day Zero – Preparation Day
Hiking The Appalachian Trail Blog
A daily journal about hiking the Appalachian Trail. Learn the real story of what it is like to Thru Hike the Appalachian Trail.
Appalachian Trail Georgia
Day 1 – Appalachian Trail
Day 2 – Finally Meeting Other Hikers
Day 3 – Major Gear Malfunction
Day 4 – Illness Sets in
Day 5 – What a Difference 24 hours makes – Hiawassee
Appalachian Trail Tennessee and North Carolina
Day 6 – The Lands of the Cherokee
Day 7 – My First Week on the Trail
Day 8 – And then the rain came
Day 9 – The burnt forest
Day 10 – The Trail Can be Lonely Sometimes
Day 11 – Fontana Dam and Smokies
Day 12 – Rain in the Smokies
Day 13 – Clingmans Dome, the highest point on the trail
Day 14 – Out if the Smokies and a Trail Reunion
Day 15 – Max Patch Magic
Day 16 – Hot Springs Reunion
Day 17 – Perfect Weather
Day 18 – The Calm before the wind
Day 19 – The Wind
Day 20 – Into the town of Erwin for food
Day 21 – And then it snowed
Day 22 – Best Day Yet
Day 23 – The Roan Highlands
Day 24 – Waterfall and Gorges
Day 25- A Walk in the the woods
Appalachian Trail Virginia
Day 26-27 – Into Damascus, Virginia
Day 28 – And then there were three
Day 29 – Kicked in the Balls by a Wild Pony
Day 30 – Into Marion Virginia for Pizza
Day 31 – No Energy Today
Day 32 – Feeling Dehydrated
Day 33 – Goodbye Shogun
Day 34-35 – Damascus – Trail Days
Day 36 – Back to the Trail
Day 37 – Nero In Pearisburg
Day 38 – More rain
Day 39 – Still It Rains
Day 40 – Sun And Magic
Day 41 – Best Views On the AT
Day 42 – Daleville
Day 43 – Heavy Backpack and Heavy Rain
Day 44 -The Crowd is Thinning
Day 45 – My First 30 Plus Mile Day
Day 46 – Dramatic Skies
Day 47 – 48 – Wildlife and Wild Life
Day 49 – Shenandoah National Park
Day 50 – Bear on the Appalachian Trail
Day 51 – Luxurious Hiking
Day 52 – Hardest Day Yet
Day 53 – It’s Raining Again
Day 54 – 1000 Miles and 1000 Smiles
Appalachian Trail West Virginia
Day 55 – Harpers Ferry
Day 56-58 – Appalachian Trail to Washington DC
Appalachian Trail Maryland
Day 59 – Hiking into Maryland
Appalachian Trail Pennsylvania
Day 60 – Welcome to Pennsylvania
Day 61 – Rattlesnakes on the Appalachian Trail
Day 62 – Ice Cream Challange
Day 63 – Two Towns in One Day
Day 64 – Headaches and Fatigue
Day 65 – Big Day of Thunderstorms
Day 66 – Day of Snakes and Ticks
Day 67 – Appalachian Trail World Hike Naked Day
Day 68 – Too Much Amazing Food
Day 69 – Rocks, Flowers, Frogs and Porcupines but no Water
Day 70 – Trail Magic – Where is Everyone
Appalachian Trail New Jersey
Day 71 – Hello New Jersey
Day 72 – Knotts and the Appalachian Trail Speed Record
Day 73 – Wetlands, Pizza, and the Playboy Bunny
Appalachian Trail New York
Day 74 – Good Bye New Jersey, Hello New York
Day 75-80 – Visiting New York from the Appalachian Trail
Day 81 – Back on Trail
Day 82 – Rocky Hiking with Rocky and more Ticks
Day 83 – Just a Walk in the Rain
Day 84 – Trailside Zoo
Day 85 – The call to move northward
Appalachian Trail Connecticut
Day 86 – Into Connecticut
Day 87 – Too tired to Eat
Day 88 – Today is just a bad day
Appalachian Trail Massachusetts
Day 89 – I hope my phone isn’t broken
Day 90 – Town Detour
Day 91 – Focusing on Fungus
Day 92 – Trail magic four times in one day
Day 93-94 – Into and out of Dalton
Appalachian Trail Vermont
Day 95 – Vermont Vermont Vermont
Day 96 – Whoops, No Food
Day 97 – Star Watching
Day 98 – My love for the trail has returned
Day 99 – Climbing Mt Killington
Day 100 – A wet but not miserable day
Day 101 – Houston we have a problem
Day 102 – Problems solved, the trail awaits
Appalachian Trail New Hampshire
Day 103 – Hanover, New Hampshire
Day 104 – Hiking Outside the Bubble
Day 105 – Mt Moosilauke Sunset
Day 106 – The decent from Hell
Day 107 – The Franconia Ridge
Day 108 – Hiking Before Sunset
Day 109 – Mt Washington
Day 110-112 Gorham and the Wildcat Mountains and a rest day
Appalachian Trail Maine
Day 113 – Hello Maine
Day 114 – Mahoosuc Notch
Day 115 – Rain and Shine
Day 116 – Lakes and Mountains
Day 117 – Sunrise over the Lakes
Day 118-119 – Into the town of Stratton
Day 120 – Deuce Bigelow Mountains
Day 121 – Happy 80th Birthday, Appalachian Trail
Day 122 – Kennebec River Ferry
Day 123 – Into Monson, the last trail town
Day 124 – 100 Mile Wilderness
Day 125 – Rain and Low miles
Day 126 – Night Hiking
Day 127 – I just Ran Out of Food
Day 128 – Food Glorious Food
Day 129 – I just Hiked the Appalachian Trail

BikeHikeSafari Gear Review Process
The author, Brad McCartney from BikeHikeSafari is a small independent adventurer and outdoor gear tester who owns and runs
BikeHikeSafari is not part of a large blog network and is proudly independent. All reviews on this site are independent and honest gear reviews of outdoor products by the author.
The author, Brad McCartney is a very experienced triple crown thru-hiker, adventurer, and bike tourer having spent 1000s of nights sleeping in a tent and sleeping bag (Read more). He was a manager of an outdoor retail store and is very experienced in what is important when using and testing gear for reviews like this.
BikeHikeSafari will never receive any money for reviews and they do not accept sponsored reviews on this website. All the comments about the gear reviews are from the author based on his years of experience. Hope this independent review was helpful for you.