화요일, 4월 1, 2025
HomeWeight LossRachel lost 56 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Rachel lost 56 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Rachel shares how she lost 56 pounds. When an unexpected opportunity slipped through her fingers due to her health and weight, she knew it was time to make a change. Through discipline and a lifestyle shift, she redefined her relationship with food & alcohol and transformed her mindset. Now, she is a fitness coach, author, and sobriety coach.

Rachel before and after weight loss

Social Media:
Instagram: @rayleefitford 
TikTok: rayleefitford
Facebook: RayLee Ford

What was your motivation?
I wanted to lose weight for a long time, a few years even. I felt how big I had let myself get, and I was tired of being so sluggish and pre-obese. Everyday tasks became complicated to complete (tying shoes, getting in and out of my car, etc.), so I knew I needed to change when I got to 200 pounds.

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
What kept me going was that I wanted to prove that I am capable of being in shape. I deserve a fit body.

I received a phone call from a friend I hadn’t spoken to in years, and she had a gig for me in NYC. I wasn’t in the same shape as I used to be back when we knew each other, but she was, and she thought of me for an opportunity. It was the nicest gesture, and I unfortunately couldn’t perform because of my weight and health. (I used to be a professional dancer) To this day, I still think about that phone call, and that’s what really pushes me to keep going.

How did you change your eating habits?
I stopped drinking alcohol, which is something that took me three years to accomplish. Alcohol always sabotaged my weight loss progress because I had tried to lose weight years before but was unsuccessful. Finally, in 2023, months after that phone call I mentioned in the previous question, I knew alcohol was holding me back from achieving my goals, and it was time to give it up. After I quit drinking for three months, I decided also to go vegetarian again. I did so for 2 years, and now I’ve reintroduced fish and poultry back into my diet. I feel better than ever, and I think I really needed the discipline of no alcohol or meat to kickstart my journey.

I didn’t use a specific plan or program. I simply listened to my body and found how I reacted to certain foods. Being vegetarian gave me the most energy, so I kept that for the first two years of my journey to build that consistency in fitness.

What is your workout routine?
I weight train upper body twice a week, Monday and Thursday, lower body twice a week, Tuesday and Friday, and Cardio/Core twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday.

Sunday is a full rest day. Saturday is Cardio/Core, but it’s more of an active rest day. My cardio workouts consist of jumping rope for about 10 min, and core exercises for about 30-45min. I stretch before and after every workout session. 

Before and after photos of Rachel's back

How often do you work out?
5-6 times per week.

What was your starting weight?
My starting weight was 211 pounds.

What is your current weight?
My current weight is 155 pounds.

When did you start your journey?
I started my journey on January 24, 2023.

How long did your transformation take?
It took a little over a year to get 165 lbs. After that, I reached a plateau. I then hired a coach, and that’s what REALLY got me to my goal. I got as far as I could on my own, but I needed the help of a professional coach to fully achieve what I’m capable of: becoming an athlete. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
No, weight loss surgery was not a part of my journey.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
Discipline is king! Establishing a personal relationship with yourself is essential to getting results and reaching your goal. 

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
I wouldn’t compare myself to others as much as I did when I was trying to stay on track. Everyone’s journey and the road to success looks different for each person, so stay focused. It will feel impossible, but you HAVE TO KEEP GOING, NO MATTER WHAT.

I also recommend investing in a coach. It’s totally worth it, keeps you accountable, and offers the support you need. With a plan of execution, you will be guaranteed results.

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