How to resupply on the pct hike in 2024 is a common question. What are the best trail towns to resupply? Where to buy food and where to send a box of food.
There are so many trail towns to choose from to resupply. Like many thru-hikers, I prefer to buy my food from the local towns on the trail where possible. If you do too then you will be supporting local trail towns.
The method of buying and sending food along the trail, using bounce boxes, and buying food along the way is something I have used on all my other thru-hikes, including the Continental Divide Trail, Appalachian Trail, and Te Araroa Trail.
This resupply guide is to be used in conjunction with my main Pacific Crest Trail Guide Page which provides information on permits and includes my daily hiking blog. My Pacific Crest Trail Gear List may help with what gear you need to take.
The information in this resupply guide is best used with the Guthook App / Farout Guide App. So make sure you have that app when on the trail.
Important Note: This guide is provided as information only for planning purposes. Things change quickly and the information in this guide will need to be verified by you before sending packages or planning to buy food in the towns listed below. If any of this information is incorrect, please comment in the comments section for all to read and I will update this page when needed.

Bounce Box on the Pacific Crest Trail
A bounce box is a box that you continually send to yourself while hiking. For me, it contained my computer, spare shoes, socks, and extra clothes that you would not be wearing on the PCT. I have used bounce boxes on all my long-distance thru-hikes. I have not had problems with lost boxes using the US Postal Service.
Trail Angels might accept your bounce box or store unwanted gear or clothing while you are hiking. A Trail Angel is a term used to describe anyone helping out a hiker. It is an important PCT resupply option for those who do not want to carry every bit of clothing or equipment they have with them.
General Delivery on the PCT
It is possible to pick up mail from post offices located near the trail. The system is called General Delivery.
All General Delivery Packages should be clearly labeled with your Name, General Delivery, Name of the Town or City Post Office, Zipcode, and state.
You can get a tracking code for your box.
Your Name
General Delivery
Town Name Post Office
Zip Code, State
PCT Resupply Strategy
The following is a Resupply guide for the PCT. I also posted a bounce box containing my computer and other assorted things I may need while on the trail. It was sent to places where I planned to have rest days. I took about 15 rest days on this hike at various towns along the way.
If I choose not to pick up the bounce box at the post office, it is forwarded it to the next destination free of charge, hence the name, Bounce Box!
The schedule below has me finishing the trail in about 26 weeks, including rest days, hopefully.

PCT Resupply Guide
B = Buying food in the towns/resorts/gas stations that you pass through or are near the trail.
M = Mail. Pick up supplies from the post office or other locations where you mail food to yourself.
Below is a PCT Resupply Spreadsheet of possible resupply strategies for your PCT Thru Hike. Note this is just a guide but it is what I used to give me an idea of times and distances.
Section | Days | Distance (mi) | Total (mi) | Resupply |
Campo to Mt. Laguna | 3 | 42.9 | 42.9 | B |
Mt. Laguna to Warner Springs | 4 | 66.6 | 109.5 | B |
Warner Springs to Idyllwild | 5 | 69.9 | 179.4 | B |
Idyllwild to Big Bear City | 6 | 95.6 | 275 | B |
Big Bear City to Wrightwood | 6 | 94.5 | 369.5 | B |
Wrightwood to Agua Dulce | 6 | 85 | 454.5 | B |
Agua Dulce to Tehachapi or Mojave | 6 | 112 | 566.5 | B |
Tehachapi to Kennedy Meadows | 8 | 135.5 | 702.2 | M |
Kennedy Meadows to Independence | 5 | 86.7 | 788.9 | B |
Independence to Tuolumne Meadows | 9 | 153.6 | 942.5 | B |
Tuolumne Meadows to South Lake Tahoe | 9 | 152 | 1094.5 | B |
South Lake Tahoe to Sierra City | 5 | 103 | 1197.5 | B |
Sierra City to Belden | 5 | 92 | 1289.5 | B |
Belden to Chester | 2 | 45.2 | 1334.7 | B |
Chester to Burney Falls State Park | 4 | 88.8 | 1423.5 | M |
Burney Falls State Park to Castella | 4 | 83.1 | 1506.6 | B |
Castella to Etna | 5 | 100 | 1606.6 | B |
Etna to Seiad Valley | 3 | 55.5 | 1662.1 | B |
Seiad Valley to Ashland | 3 | 63.9 | 1726.0 | B |
Ashland to Crater Lake Post Office | 5 | 103.3 | 1829.3 | M |
Crater Lake Post Office to Shelter Cove Resort | 4 | 83 | 1912.3 | M |
Shelter Cove Resort to Sisters | 5 | 89 | 2001.3 | M |
Sisters to Timberline Lodge | 5 | 106 | 2107.3 | M |
Timberline Lodge to Cascade Locks | 2 | 47.7 | 2155.0 | B |
Cascade Locks to White Pass | 7 | 148 | 2303.0 | M |
White Pass to Snoqualmie Pass | 5 | 99 | 2402.0 | B |
Snoqualmie Pass to Skykomish | 4 | 74 | 2476.0 | M |
Skykomish to Stehekin | 6 | 104.2 | 2580.2 | M |
Stehekin to Manning Park | 5 | 88.6 | 2668.8 | Finished |
Totals: | 146 | 2668.8 |
PCT Resupply town list
Here is a complete list of resupply towns for the Pacific Crest Trail. The resupply towns include what facilities are available and the mileage to the next resupply options. Most hikers do not stop at all these towns.
All care is taken to be accurate but I accept no responsibility for mistakes. Double-check before committing to your own resupply. If there are any mistakes, please let me know.
Need to update your Thru-Hiking Gear while on the trail?
Take a look at my reviews of all the best trail-tested gear for the PCT.
Lightweight Hiking Gear Reviews
1.4 miles – Campo Resupply
2/10 East of the trail. Has Subway style Subs and Gas Station food. Not much of a place to resupply but it does have great sandwiches which should be enough food to get to Lake Morena. I bought a Sub here and enjoyed it for lunch on day 1, maybe you could too.
Next resupply 18.6 miles at Lake Morena General Store.
20.0 miles – Lake Morena Resupply
4/10 mile east along the road is a small General Store with burgers and basic resupply which is enough to get to Mt Laguna. They do good meals from 7am untill 8pm.
Next resupply 22 miles at Mount Laguna.
42 miles – Mount Laguna Resupply
4/10 mile west of the trail is the popular and well-stocked General store which is a great place for a full resupply. The cafe is legendary for its food and support of PCT hikers, a must-stop for a meal. There is an outfitter which is well-stocked with lightweight outdoor gear for those hikers that need a gear shakedown.
The post office accepts packages:
Your Name
General Delivery
Mt Laguna Post Office
CA 91948
Next Resupply 35 miles in Julian.

77 miles – Julian Resupply
12 miles west of the PCT. Small grocery store, expensive hotels, restaurants and cafes, and a post office that accepts General Deliveries.
Your Name
General Delivery
Julian Post Office
CA 92036
NOTE – 4 miles east of the trail is Stagecoach Trail RV Park, with a pool, laundry, camping, wifi etc.
Next Resupply 33 miles at Warner Springs.
110 miles – Warner Springs Resupply
There appears to be a cafe at the Community Resource Centre with limited opening hours in the afternoon only. Nearby is the post office that accepts General Delivery:
Your Name
General Delivery
Warner Springs Post Office
CA 92086
Next Resupply at Idyllwild at either 42 miles or 69 miles.
152 miles – Paradise Cafe Resupply
Legendary meals on the PCT. Many hikers rate this the best food on the whole trail. The burgers will satisfy anyone’s hiker hunger which usually starts to kick in somewhere around here. The Cafe accepts packages but ensure you write your ETA on the box:
Your Name – Hold for PCT hiker – ETA (your expected date of arrival)
c/o Paradise Valley Cafe
61721 State Highway 74 Mountain Center
CA 92561
If sending a resupply package to Paradise Cafe most hikers will make Cabazon their next resupply, 58 miles away. Most hikers get a meal at Paradise Cafe and hitch into Idyllwild which is on the same road as the cafe.
152 / 179 miles – Idyllwild Resupply
There are two places to access this popular trail town. At mile 152 from Hwy 74 at Paradise Cafe or a side trail at mile 179.
Idyllwild is one of the most popular trail towns on the Pacific Crest Trail for good reason. This hiker-friendly town has good resupply, a cheap central campground with hot showers, hotels, many restaurants, and an outfitter.
This is a place where many hikers take their first real ‘ZERO DAY’ to rest their bodies and eat lots of food. It is also a good place to wait out bad weather for the upcoming climb of Mt San Jacinto, especially early in the season when it is often covered in snow.
You could consdier doing a big resupply to get you all the way to Big Bear or a smalle resupply to get to Cabezon.
If you are early in the season consider microspikes and an ice axe. Send them in your bounce box and if they are not needed you can send them further up the trail.
The Post Office accepts packages:
Your Name
General Delivery
Idyllwild Post Office
CA 92549
Next resupply at Cabezon at mile 58 or 31 miles.

210 Cabezon Resupply
4.5 miles west of the very busy interstate is the small town of Cabezon with a basic store, fast food options such as In and Out Burger, Taco Bell, and a Post Office that accepts packages:
Your Name
General Delivery
Cabazon Post office
CA 92230
Next Resupply at Big Bear 56 miles.
266 Big Bear Resupply
There are two towns here, Big Bear City and Big Bear Lake. Easy to get them confused even though they are only 5 miles apart. Big Bear Lake is bigger and with more options.
Big Bear Lake is a full-service town with restaurants, many hotels, many grocery stores, and outfitters. Another great town for a ‘ZERO DAY’ with lots of food and rest options.
Resupply packages are accepted at Big Bear Lake Post Office.
Your Name
General Delivery
Big Bear Lake Post Office
CA 92315
Next resupply at Cajun Pass 76 miles.
342 Cajun Pass Resupply
Not a resupply town but it has McDonald’s (TIP – the electrical outlet is located behind the TV at McDonalds!) and a gas station which is good enough for a basic resupply until the next town of Wrightwood.
Many hikers stay in the hiker friendly Cajon Pass Inn, especially when bad weather is forecast. No post office.
Next Resupply at Wrightwood 21 miles.
363 Wrightwood Resupply
Wrightwood is a small hiker-friendly town 5.5 miles east of the trail from Hwy 2. Many hikers choose to hike the Acorn Trail into town. There are grocery stores, hotels, and restaurants. The friendly hardware store limited outdoor gear, canister gas, and alcohol for stoves. Another good town for a rest day if needed or the weather is average.
The post office accepts packages:
Your Name
General Delivery
Wrightwood Post Office
CA 92397
Next Resupply 74 miles.
443 Acton: Los Angeles County Camping & RV Park Resupply
2/10 mile to the east of the PCT. Camping, showers, and a pool to rest the tired muscles. Has a small store. Very basic supplies but enough to get you the 12 miles to the next resupply. We ordered a takeaway Pizza from the nearby town when we stayed there.
Also, you could hitch into the town of Acton if you wanted or needed but really, don’t bother unless it is an emergency or you are quitting the trail.
They allow resupply packages which is a good option as the next town of Aqua Dulce has limited resupply at the grocery store.
Action Campground accepts packages for a $10 fee:
Your Name
c/o Action Camp
7601 Soledad Canyon Road
Acton, CA 93510
Next Resupply at Aqua Dulce 12 miles.
455 Aqua Dulce Resupply
Aqua Dulce is on the trail and has a very average resupply from the grocery store.
There are several choices of restaurants. There is no post office but packages can be sent to Serenity Oasis which is at mile 454.7.
Most hikers will stop for a good meal and keep hiking, do you like pizza!
Next Resupply at Green Valley in 23 miles or Hikertown in 63 miles.
478 Green Valley Resupply
A very basic store, no post office, and no camping.
Next Resupply at Hikertown in 40 miles.
518 Hikertown Resupply
No resupply options other than sending a package. Be sure to top your water here for the iconic Mojave desert crossing. Good luck and enjoy the ‘Breaking Bad’ style landscapes.
This strange place offers a place to stay and accepts packages:
Your Name
Hikertown 26803 W. Ave. C-15
CA 93536
Next Resupply at Tehachapi or Mojave at 48 miles.
566 Tehachapi Resupply
9 miles west on Hwy 58. Tehachapi has every service a hiker would want, grocery stores, hotels, and restaurants. A great town to take a ‘ZERO DAY’ after a tough couple of days and weeks.
Time to start planning the Sierra! Do you have a Bear Canister and snow gear yet? If not go to and order them now and have them delivered to Kennedy Meadows. You could also order whatever other items you need for the Sierra. I loaded up on Freeze Dried meals for my Bear Canister and other gear. Just a thought to consider.
Packages are accepted at the post office:
Your Name
General Delivery
Tehachapi Post Office
CA 93581
Next Resupply at Lake Isabella 86 miles but most hikers go for the long hike of 137 miles all the way to Kennedy Meadows for a well earned rest after completing the California Desert.

Need to update your Thru Hiking Gear while on the trail?
Take a look at my reviews of all the best trail-tested gear for the PCT.
PCT Gear List
566 Mojave Resupply
11 miles east on Hwy 58. Mojave has the cheapest Motel 6 on the trail plus a good grocery store and many restaurants. We all love a large meal at Denny’s, by now Hiker Hunger is a real thing.
Time to start planning the Sierra! Do you have a Bear Canister and snow gear yet? If not go to and order them now and have them delivered to Kennedy Meadows. You could also order whatever other items you need for the Sierra. I loaded up on Freeze Dried meals for my Bear Canister and other gear. Just a thought to consider.
The post office accepts packages:
Your Name
General Delivery
Mojave Post Office
CA 93501
Next Resupply at Lake Isabella 86 miles but most hikers go for the long hike of 137 miles all the way to Kennedy Meadows for a well earned rest after completing the California Desert.

Need to update your Thru Hiking Gear while on the trail?
Take a look at my reviews of all the best trail tested gear for the PCT.
PCT Gear List
652 Lake Isabella Resupply
Lake Isabella is 37 miles west on Hwy 178. There is a grocery store, a couple of hotels and restaurants to chose from.
Your Name
General Delivery
Lake Isabella Post Office
CA 93240
Next Resupply at Kennedy Meadows 51 miles.
703 Kennedy Meadow
Celebrate the legendary end of the desert and start of the Sierra. You just hiked 702 miles through the deserts of California, well done.
This is the place to chill out, have a meal and a couple of beer. There is free camping, showers and food at the General Store.
Be sure to visit nearby Grumpys Bar for a meal and beer, maybe even rack up some balls on the pool table.
There was a time when people needed to send a resupply package to Kennedy Meadows but things have changed. There is a good selection of resupply options at Triple Crown Outfitters located opposite Grumpy Bears Retreat. They stock Bear Canisters, Ice Axes and Microspikes for the Sierra.
Send packages ($4 holding fee) to the General Store:
Your Name – PCT Hiker – ETA
c/o Kennedy Meadows General Store
96740 Kennedy Meadows Road
Inyokern, CA 93527
Kennedy Meadows is a vortex that will suck hikers into staying longer than expected. Many hikers stay here waiting for a break in the weather before hiking into the Sierra.
Important Note: You will start climbing up to higher and colder altitudes. You will be slower and need significantly more calories than in recent days and weeks. Take extra food. Many thru hikers, myself included ran out of food and suffered significant weight lose in this section. Most PCT hikers resupply with 7 days food for this stretch, including the side trip to Mt Whitney. You have been warned!
Next Resupply at Kearsarge Pass in 87 miles – (note: you can take side trails prior to Kearsarge Pass if you want or have an emergency)

789 Kearsarge Pass – Independance / Lone Pine or Bishop.
Kearsarge Pass is an 8 mile detour from the PCT. From the carpark it is usually an easy hitchhike down the hill to the town of Independence. There is not much there except a Post Office and several Takeaway food shops. After your first taste at altitude and cold you will likely be starving and in need of calories. There is no grocery store in Independence, so if you need to buy food you need to leave town.
Your Name
General Delivery
CA 93526
Lone Pine and Bishop are better options if you want to take a zero day. More food and accomodation options. Lone Pine is one of my favorite trail towns on the PCT.
Your Name
General Delivery
Lone Pine
CA 93545
Your Name
General Delivery
CA 93514
Special Note: Buy Bug Spray, you are about to get into the areas with bugs around Red Meadows unless you are very early or very late in the season. Maybe you already started to run into them and are cursing for not getting bug juice earlier.
Next Resupply at Muir Ranch in 68 miles or VVR in 90 miles, the better option Red Meadows 117 miles
857 Muir Trail Ranch
3 mile round trip on a side trail to Muir Trail Ranch. You can send packages here but they charge a lot and have very specific restrictions on how to send them, you will need to look up the details on their website. They have no food and no hiker box. Most thru hikers give this place a miss and keep on hiking.
Next Resupply at VVR in 22 miles or the Best Option Red Meadows 49 miles
879 Vermillion Valley Resort (VVR)
The Vermillion Valley Resort accepts packages for a hefty holding fee of $40 not including the UPS, Fed X or USPS fees. Most thru hikers don’t send packages there but pop in for a meal and top up of supplies from the store. You can also check out the hiker boxes.
Due to high costs and excessive rules it is best not to send packages here. If you want to send something check out the latest info on their website.
Next Resupply at Red Meadows 27 miles
906 Red Meadows – Mammoth
You could grab some snacks and do a simple resupply at Red Meadow and keep on hiking if you want. There is not a lot of choices but there is certainly enough to get to the next resupply at Tuolumne Meadows in 36 miles. Either way, they have beer, snacks, and enough for lunch if you want to rest up for an hour or so and keep going, they even have showers for you. Red Meadows will accept packages but with a $40 holding fee, most thru-hikers give it a big miss.
Most people take the shuttle to the town of Mammoth. Mammoth is a full resupply town including Outfitters, Post Office, Large Grocery Stores, and way too many accommodation options. A great option for a rest day or two after some amazing sections of the Sierra.
Your Name
General Delivery
CA 93546
Next Resupply at Tuolumne Meadows in 36 miles

942 Tuolumne Meadows / Lee Vining
Grab a burger and a beer while you socialize with the other Thru Hikers. No rush to leave here. Grab your resupply box, from the General Store, set up the tent for the night and chill. Plan a day down in Yosemite Valley. Either hike there (30 miles, I did it with a hangover which is not recommended) or take the shuttle. By now you are probably starting to feel the mosquitoes so if you haven’t already purchased bug spray, now is the time.
There is a good General Store here but most people post a package here.
Your Name
General Delivery
Tuolumne Meadows
Yosemite National Park
CA 95389
Next Resupply at Sonora Pass in 76 miles
1018 Sonora Pass – Kennedy Meadows North / Bridgeport
No need for Bear Canisters beyond this point. Time to post it back home or return it to whomever you begged, borrowed or stole it from.
Kennedy Meadows North is the preferred option and easier to hitch hike and there is a regular shuttle. They sell nice food and have reasonably priced accomodation, laundry and hot showers. By now you are certainly annoyed by the bugs on the trail.
As you no longer need your Bear Canister you can leave it at Kennedy Meadows North and they will post it home for you for a reasonable fee.
Send packages to Kennedy Meadows North for a $5 fee:
You Name
c/o Kennedy Meadows Resort and Pack Station
42421 State Highway 108
Pinecrest, CA 95364
Some people also head to Bridgeport or Walker which has more option that Kennedy Meadows North. Bridgeport has a Post Office which can receive packages and send your Bear Canister home as you no longer need it.
You Name
General Delivery
Bridgeport, CA 93517
Next Resupply at Markleeville in 31 miles but most thru hikers resupply at South Lake Tahoe in 75 Miles

Need to update your Thru Hiking Gear while on the trail?
Take a look at my reviews of all the best trail tested gear for the PCT.
PCT Gear List
1048 Markleeville / Ebbetts Pass
There is not much traffic to hitch the 18 miles into Markleeville but they have meals, resupply, accomodation and a Post Office. Most thru hikers keep on hiking to South Lake Tahoe / Echo Lake.
Next Resupply at South Lake Tahoe in 34 miles
1092 South Lake Tahoe / 1093 Echo Lake
Either hitch from Highway 50 to South Lake Tahoe or hike another mile to Echo Lake and hitch from there to South Lake Tahoe. Note the best option is to go to South Lake Tahoe for resupply and remember to fill up your water there rather than Echo Lodge.
South Lake Tahoe has everything you need including meals, accomodation and a post office.
Send packages to:
Your name
General Delivery
South Lake Tahoe
CA 96150
Next Resupply at Donner Pass in 65 miles
1158 Truckee / Soda Springs / Donner Pass
Hitch or hike 3 miles west of Donner Pass to Soda Springs for a post office and Lodge with meals. Most people keep on hiking to Sierra City.
Hitch East to Truckee which is a full service town including outfitters, resupply, accomodation, meals and post office.
Send Packages to:
Your Name
General Delivery
Truckee, CA 96161
Next Resupply at Sierra City in 38 miles
Note: It will start to be warmer by now. If you are lucky enough to be a gear freak and have warmer summer clothes and gear then think about that lightweight sleeping bag for summer conditions, and hiking shorts and hiking shirts for warmer weather.
1196 Sierra City
Most thru hikers do a PCT resupply in Sierra City by stopping for the day and moving out of town the same day. There are options to stay but most move on. There are meals and resupply along with places to send packages at the General Store:
Your Name
c/o Sierra Country Store
213 Main Street
Sierra City, CA 96125
Next Resupply at Bucks Lake in 70 miles

Beware: The dreaded California Blues start to affect some hikers around now. Weeks and months of hiking may start to take its toll on you mentally. After the highs of the Sierra things become a bit more mellow. Enjoy the company of your trail family and stay social with some time alone if needed. Stay positive, the blues are temporary.
1264 Bucks Lake
Bucks Lake is a couple of miles off the PCT but there is a nice loop trail that doesn’t make the detour all that far.
Bucks Lake Lodge seems to be the place to send packages now. Look them up for the latest contact details and where to send your packages. They also do nice meals. You could resupply if desperate and not very fussy from the Store at Haskins Inn, but most people will not find enough food to make the short 23 miles to Belden or Chester.
Next Resupply at Belden in 23 miles
Need to update your Thru Hiking Gear while on the trail?
Take a look at my reviews of all the best trail tested gear for the PCT.
PCT Gear List
This guide is a work in progress. A complete guide to the Northern California and beyond is coming soon for 2024. Stay tuned.
1287 Belden
Stop for a meal and a beer and while you are here you could stock up on snacks. If it is too hot, go for a swim or take a shower. By now you are feeling the heat so take a short rest if you are here in the middle of the day.
Next Resupply at Chester in 45 miles
1332 Chester
A short hitch from the trail. Chester is a good PCT resupply town with good grocery options, meals and accomodation. Stay the night or spend the day here to resupply, do laundry and take a shower.
There is a post office:
Your Name
General Delivery
Chester, CA 96020
Next Resupply at Drankensbad Guest Ranch in 19 miles or Old Station in 42 miles.
1350 Drakensbad Guest Ranch
Note: was closed in 2024 due to fires in the area. Check the website to see if it is open this year.
A short side trail from the PCT, this is a must visit for a filling discounted meal. If you can time it to be here for lunch then that is a bonus.
Use the toilet and free shower while you wash your clothes. They accept PCT resupply boxes:
Your Name
c/o Drakenbad Guest Ranch
End of Walker Valley Road
Chester, CA 96020
Next Resupply at Old Station in 24 miles
1374 Old Station
Camp and fill up on snacks at the Hat Creek Resort. Thing will be very hot from here to rest up in the middle of the day, or even better, hike on to JJ Cafe and enjoy a very nice meal at mile 1378.
Your Name
General Delivery
Old Station, CA 96071
Next Resupply at Burney Falls General Store in 45 miles
1419 Burney Falls General Store
There is a campground (can be noisy) and a general store. They will hold resupply boxes for a cost. Best to top up on snacks.
Next Resupply at Castela in 82 miles
1501 – I5 Interstate – Castela / Dunsmuir / Mount Shasta
Castela is the preferred option but not necessarily the best.
The Castle Crags campground nearby and you can send you package to the post office or general store. Best to send a package rather than try and resupply which may be difficult of you are fussy. Having said that, the resupply from the store seems to be getting better every year.
Post office:
Your Name
General Delivery
Castella, CA 96017
Other options include Dunsmuir and Mt Shasta which have better resupply options but further away.
Next Resupply at Etna in 99 miles
1600 Etna
Nice town with a post office, cheap camping ($5) or good accommodation, free wifi, showers, a grocery store, and good meals. Need a rest day after the heat in recent days and weeks then this could be the place.
Send packages to:
Your Name
General Delivery
Etna, CA 96027
Next Resupply at Seiad Valley in 57 miles
1657 Seiad Valley
Last stop in California, or the State of Jefferson, as they like to refer to the area. If you feel the need to celebrate by taking your choice of liquor with you then buy it here. Obviously, follow leave no trace and pack it out with you!
Seiad Valley is home to the pancake challenge. Eat 5 pounds of pancakes and they are free! Good luck.
Good camping, showers and laundromat at the General Store and campground. You can resupply if you are not fussy as they have all the basics you will need. There is a post office but most people send packages to the friendly general store:
Your Name
c/o Seiad Valley Store
44719 Highway 96
Seiad Valley, CA 96086
Next Resupply at Ashland / Callahans Lodge in 63 miles
1692 California / Oregon Border
No resupply but you should be feeling awesome that you just finished hiking the whole length of California.
1720 Ashland / Callahan Lodge
Your choice. Ashland with all the hotel options and a nearby or a quick resupply and meal at Callahans Lodge and on your way.
Callahans Lodge – If you want to quickly stop in, get a meal and pick up a resupply box then send a box to Callahans Lodge for a $5 pick up fee:
Your Name
c/o Callahans Lodge PCT Hiker
7100 Old Highway 99 South
Ashland, OR 97520
Ashland – Full resupply with everything you could want including a short ride to in the next town nearby. This is a popular place to stop for a day and pack up several resupply boxes for the rest of Oregon which is highly recommended. There is an REI in nearby Medford so if you need new shoes they have you covered.
Post Office:
Your Name
General Delivery
Ashland Post Office, OR 97520
Next Resupply at Hyatt Lake in 25 miles but most hikers keep on going to Mazama Village in 102 miles
1743 Hyatt Lake Campground
About a mile off the trail, they have a good restaurant and accept packages via UPS only.
Your Name – PCT Hiker
c/o Hyatt Lake Resort
7900 Hyatt Prairie Road
Ashland, OR 97520
Next Resupply at Crater Lake / Mazama Village in 80 miles
1823 Crater Lake NP – Mazama Village
You can send your packages to Mazama Village or get an OK resupply from the store after you have eaten a large meal. Most hikers plan on camping here as you can’t camp at Crater Lake Rim for the next few miles afterward.
General Store mail address:
US Post Mail
Your Name
c/o Mazama Camper Village
569 Mazama Village Store
Crater Lake, OR 97604
There is a different address if using UPS.
Next Resupply at Shelter Cove in 84 miles
1907 Shelter Cove
A short mile or so off the trail to Shelter Cove for camping, showers, and UPS resupply packages can be sent which is recommended.
Your Name
c/o Shelter Cove Resort
27600 West Odell Lake Rd
Highway 58
Crescent Lake, OR 97733
Next Resupply at Elk Lake Resort in 46 miles
1953 Elk Lake Resort
About a mile off the trail and another good place to send a resupply package. Nice restaurant with a small store which sells very basic snacks. You can also camp and take a shower.
Send packages via UPS or Fed-Ex only:
Elk Lake Resort
Your Name – PCT Hiker
60000 Century Dr.
Bend, OR 97701
Next Resupply at Sisters in 31 miles or keep on going to Big Lake Youth Camp in 42 miles
1984 Sisters / Bend
A full resupply town and either Sisters or Bend. Are you into craft beer? Go to Bend.
If you packaged all your resupply boxes in Ashland you probably will give these towns a miss, otherwise these towns have everything and you can pack up more resupply boxes here to send further down the trail. And Bend has an REI if you need more gear or order online here –
There are about 4 post offices in Bend, check where you are staying before sending so you don’t have a long walk or taxi ride to the post office.
Sisters Post Office:
Your Name
General Delivery
Sisters, OR 97759
Next Resupply at Big Lake Youth Camp in 11 miles

1995 Big Lake Youth Camp
Big Lake Youth Camp is a short detour off the main trail. They have meals, showers and campsites. They also accept packages:
Your Name
c/o Big Lake Youth Camp
26435 Big Lake Rd
Sisters, OR 97759
Next Resupply at Olallie Lake in 53 miles
2048 Olallie Lake Resort
Basic resupply. They do not accept packages.
Next Resupply at Timberline Lodge in 51 miles
2099 Timberline Lodge
If you choose to splurge in only one place on the PCT, it is here. The hotel is amazing and the food is some of the best on the whole trail. They accept resupply packages for a fee:
Your Name
c/o Timberline Lodge Ski Area Guest Services
Wy’East Store
Timeberline, OR 97028
Next Resupply at Cascade Locks in 50 miles
2149 Cascade Locks
A full service town and your chance to box up your resupply for the rest of the trail in Washington. Good craft beer and meals here. There are also a couple of buses per week to Portland if you want anything and everything. Or take a bus to Hood River.
Post Office:
Your Name
General Delivery
Cascade Locks, OR 97014
Next Resupply at Trout Lake in 82 miles

2231 Trout Lake
A 13 mile hitch to Trout Lake. Everything you need revolves around the friendly Trout Lake Grocery Store which has the all the basics for a resupply. They all accept packages and there are places to eat and charge your electronics. Everything a thru hiker will need.
Send packages to:
You Name
c/o Trout Lake Grocery
2383 Hwy 141
Trout Lake, WA 98650
Next Resupply at White Pass in 66 miles
2297 White Pass Kracker Barrel / Packwood
White Pass Cracker Barrel – Less than a mile from the trail is the Kracker Barrel which has enough basics to resupply but there is not much choice and most people send a package to the store. They also have some food to keep you topped up before you hit the trail and showers which only cost a couple of bucks.
Your Name
c/o White Pass Rural Branch PO
Att the Kracker Barrel Store
48851 US Hwy 12
Naches, WA 98937
Packwood – If you need something a little more then hitch west to Packwood for a decent grocery store, accommodation options, and a post office for your packages:
Your Name
General Delivery
Packwood, WA 98361
Next Resupply at Snoqualmie Pass in 98 miles
2395 Snoqualmie Pass
This ski resort has a hotel and good restaurant choices with a small grocery store that has enough for most people to resupply. For those that are fussy, they accept packages at the Summit Inn which is free if you are a guest and $15 if you are not.
The rooms at Snoqualmie Pass Inn are very nice and if sharing they are not too expensive. Most people have very good experiences here (I loved it when I was there) and some think the place is not friendly towards hikers. Don’t be a dick and you may find that you are treated well!
Before sending a resupply box they ask you call them first.
Next Resupply at Stevens Pass in 72 miles
2467 Stevens Pass – Skykomish / Leavenworth
Stevens Pass Lodge – Meals and will accept packages but contact first to confirm the process:
UPS or Fedex:
Your name and ETA
C/O Steven Pass, Thru Hiker
93001 NE Steven Pass Hwy, US2
Skycomish, WA 98288
Skykomish – 14 miles west of Stevens Pass. Nice hotel, restaurant and a small store for basic resupply. The Cascadia Inn will hold your package if you are a guest. Call them first before sending a package.
Leavenworth – 30 miles east of Stevens Pass. Has a post office, basic outfitter and grocery store. Most hikers go to Skykomish. If you are suffering from the cold and snow then the outfitter might be able to hook you up with some warmer gear.
Post Office:
Your Name
General Delivery
Leavenworth, WA 98826
Next Resupply at Stehekin in 109 miles
2575 Stehekin
Take the hiker shuttle from the trail past the bakery to pick up high calorie bread on route to the town with a post office, meals, basic resupply, a campground and accommodation. For most, this is the last stop before Canada, and for some who are late in the season, it can be the place where you get stuck with deep snow. Beware of the weather.
Post Office:
Your Name
General Delivery
Stehekin, WA 98852
Next Resupply at Mazama in 18 miles but most keep on going to Manning Park in Canada in 90 miles
2593 Rainy Pass – Mazama / Winthrop
Last chance to get off the trail if the weather turns bad. Hitch east (not always a lot of traffic but you will get a lift) to Mazama or Winthrop.
Next Resupply at Manning Park in 72 miles
2655 Canada!
No resupply but you made it Canada!
You have now reached freaky awesome status. Congrats. You can camp just on the other side of the border in Canada and hike another 8.5 miles to Manning Park. For those not entering Canada you need to turn around and hike 62 miles back to Rainy Pass.
Next Resupply at Manning Park in 9 miles

2663 Manning Park
Hotel and good meals, you deserve it. There is a bus in the afternoon to Vancouver. Now you can plan your next thru hike, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.
Your Guides to the Best Thru Hiking Trails in the World?
Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail
Hiking the Appalachian Trail
Hiking the Continental Divide Trail
Te Araroa Trail
This guide to resupply on the PCT in 2024 is a work in progress and is updated when I find out something needs updating. If I missed anything, let me know.
Got any questions or updates on PCT resupply 2024? Leave me a message below and consider sharing this post on social media and downloading my Lightweight Gear List.
Enjoy the trail.
Cheers Shepherd – PCT15, CDT16, AT17, TA18-19 and still hiking.