화요일, 3월 18, 2025
HomeEconomyMiB: Brian Hurst, ClearAlpha - The Big Picture

MiB: Brian Hurst, ClearAlpha – The Big Picture


This week, we speak with Brian Hurst, the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of ClearAlpha. Prior to founding ClearAlpha, Brian spent 21 years at AQR Capital Management as a portfolio manager, researcher, head of trading, and the firm’s first non-founding Partner. He was also Cliff Asness’ first hire at GSAM.

Hurst was instrumental in designing and implementing AQR’s trading platform. As a senior portfolio manager, he was in charge of over $15 billion in hedge fund assets. He brought 9over the same skill set and acumen to Clear Alpha.

He explains how portable Alpha developed and why multi-strategy, multi-manager risk is the future of hedge funds. Multi-strategy risk is not only more diversified but also has much better risk management than single-manager, single-strategy shops.

A list of his favorite books is here; A transcript of our conversation is available here Tuesday.

You can stream and download our full conversation, including any podcast extras, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and Bloomberg. All of our earlier podcasts on your favorite pod hosts can be found here.

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business next week with Jonathan Clements. He has been a personal finance reporter at the Wall Street Journal for over twenty years and has written more than 1,000 columns. He was also the Director of Financial Education at Citigroup. Last summer, Jonathan received a terminal diagnosis and announced it at his site. He discusses why “Dying is hard work” and what we all need to understand about money, life satisfaction, and planning. DON’T MISS IT.




Favorite Books


Books Barry Mentioned

The Wright Brothers Hardcover – by David McCullough



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