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HomeTravelDominican Cigars: Tradition, Excellence, and Passion

Dominican Cigars: Tradition, Excellence, and Passion

The Dominican Republic, renowned for its pristine beaches and exceptional rum, is also a global leader in premium cigars. With its unparalleled craftsmanship and ideal natural conditions, it produces cigars that rival the finest in the world.

This article explores Dominican cigars’ origins, varieties, production secrets, and worldwide success.

Related read: Tips for Travel to the Dominican Republic

In a hurry? Go straight to booking for this Safari Adventure and Discovery Tour.

A highlight when visiting the Dominican Republic is a visit to a family-owned cigar factory. If you’re a cigar lover – or just curious – you can even indulge in a tasting session.


Origins and History of Dominican Tobacco

Tobacco has been a cornerstone of Caribbean history for centuries. Long before the arrival of Europeans, the Taíno people of Hispaniola cultivated and used tobacco for spiritual and medicinal purposes.

Spanish colonization in the 15th century introduced Dominican tobacco to Europe, where it quickly gained popularity.

Over time, the Dominican Republic refined its cultivation and processing techniques, further enriched by Cuban artisans fleeing the revolution of 1959. This fusion of expertise elevated Dominican cigars to the pinnacle of global recognition.

Drying the leaves is part of the tobacco process to make cigars.
Drying the leaves is part of the tobacco process to make cigars.

Varieties of Tobacco Grown in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has a diverse range of tobaccos that contribute to the unique character of its cigars, including:

  1. Piloto Cubano: A bold and aromatic variety often used for fillers.
  2. Olor Dominicano: Known for its mild flavor and excellent combustion, ideal for balanced blends.
  3. Criollo 98: A versatile tobacco suitable for both filler and wrapper, appreciated for its complexity.
  4. Corojo: Renowned for its rich, spicy notes and aromatic depth.

The fertile soils of the Cibao Valley, especially near Santiago, are at the heart of the country’s tobacco cultivation.

The Rise of Dominican Cigars

The global rise of Dominican cigars began in earnest in the 20th century. The influx of Cuban expertise and a commitment to quality allowed the Dominican Republic to emerge as a powerhouse in the cigar industry.

Iconic brands like Arturo Fuente, Davidoff, and La Flor Dominicana exemplify the country’s dedication to excellence.

Today, the Dominican Republic is the world’s largest cigar exporter, producing over 230 million cigars annually, predominantly for markets in the United States and Europe. This scale and consistency have cemented its position as an industry leader.

The Craftsmanship Behind Premium Dominican Cigars

The creation of a Dominican cigar is a meticulous process requiring artistry and precision. Key steps include:

  1. Harvesting: Tobacco leaves are hand-picked and carefully sorted based on their intended use (filler, binder, or wrapper).
  2. Curing: Leaves are dried in ventilated barns to stabilize moisture content.
  3. Fermentation: A controlled process that enhances the flavor and removes impurities.
  4. Aging: Premium leaves are aged for years to develop complex aromas.
  5. Hand Rolling: Skilled artisans hand-roll the cigars, ensuring consistent quality.
  6. Quality Testing: Before distribution, cigars undergo rigorous tests for draw and burn uniformity.
Cigar rolling at Don Lucas Cigars Fuente Opus in the Dominican Republic.
Cigar rolling at Don Lucas Cigars Fuente Opus in the Dominican Republic.

Dominican Cigars vs. Cuban Cigars

In the debate between Dominican and Cuban cigars, production figures and market reach highlight the key differences between these two industry giants.

The Dominican Republic is now the global leader, with an annual production of over 230 million cigars exported worldwide, particularly to the United States and Europe. In contrast, Cuba produces around 90 to 100 million cigars annually, focusing on more limited markets due to the U.S. embargo. Cuba’s main consumers are in Europe (Spain, France, Germany) and Asia, where Cuban cigars are synonymous with exclusive luxury.

The success of Dominican cigars stems from several factors: exceptional artisanal expertise, a skilled workforce, and the ability to cater to diverse smoker preferences with a broad range of products. Renowned brands like Arturo Fuente and Davidoff have further bolstered the international reputation of Dominican cigars.

Conversely, Cuban cigars, while still cherished for their history and prestige, face challenges such as lower agricultural yields and reliance on a singular terroir. This limitation has allowed Dominican cigars—often crafted from Cuban seeds but grown in distinct soils—to develop their own identity, characterized by complex flavors and consistent quality.

In summary, while Cuba remains a historical and romantic symbol in the cigar world, the Dominican Republic now leads in terms of volume and diversity, reinforcing its status as the world’s top cigar exporter. This evolution reflects the successful modernization of its industry, perfectly aligning with the growing demand from international consumers for high-end artisanal products.

Where to Buy Dominican Cigars

For those seeking the finest Dominican cigars, there are several options:

  1. Speciality Shops: Cities like Santo Domingo and Santiago host cigar boutiques offering premium selections.
  2. Cigar Factories: Visit artisanal factories, such as Arturo Fuente and La Aurora, which provide a unique opportunity to see the crafting process and purchase cigars directly.
  3. Cultural Excursions: Tours like Dominican Attitude’s Safari Adventure and Discovery allow visitors to explore a traditional cigar factory, learn about the production process, and enjoy fresh samples.

Related read: Best Places to Visit in the Dominican Republic

Safari Adventure and Discovery Tour

Embark on an unforgettable adventure and explore the local life in a comfortable group with a friendly native guide!

You will start in the charming town of Higuey, where you can stroll through the bustling market filled with colorful fruits and vegetables, and don’t forget to check out the local meats!

Next, you will visit a family-owned cigar factory. You’ll see the whole process in action, and if you’re a cigar lover – or just curious – you can even indulge in a tasting session. It’s a unique experience you won’t want to miss, and with the information above, you now know how good the cigars are in the Dominican Republic.

Another highlight is the picturesque sugar cane fields. You will learn some fascinating tidbits about their importance in the history of the Dominican Republic. And yes, you’ll get to taste some of that sweet sugar cane.

Then, it’s time to enjoy a delicious lunch right on the river, surrounded by lush jungle. Imagine a traditional Dominican meal served with stunning views of nature all around you-talk about a feast for the senses!

Once you are fueled up, you will hop on a platform boat for a scenic ride down the river. You will get to see all the breathtaking scenery up close. And to end the day, you can take a refreshing dip in the river, complete with a rope swing for some Tarzan-style fun!

So, are you ready for an adventure packed with culture, delicious food and a dash of excitement?

Book it here!

Price: $84 per adult; $49 per child
Duration: 6-7 hours
Free cancelation


  • Transport from hotels in Bayahibe – Dominicus (other pick-ups possible for an additional fee)
  • Friendly team ready to make sure you have a great time
  • English speaking guide
  • Drinks: Coca Cola, Sprite, water and rum
  • Typical Dominican food
  • Platform boat ride on the Chavon River

The Dominican Republic exemplifies excellence in the cigar world through its rich history, diverse tobacco varieties, and artisanal craftsmanship. Whether you’re an experienced connoisseur or a curious novice, Dominican cigars promise a sensory journey like no other.

To experience this heritage firsthand, explore tours offered by Dominican Attitude, where culture and craftsmanship converge to create unforgettable memories.

  • Dominican Attitude

    We organize authentic outings. If you want to avoid mass tourism, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t wait any longer and book now!​

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    We organize authentic outings. If you want to avoid mass tourism, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t wait any longer and book now!​

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