토요일, 3월 15, 2025
HomeWeight LossAlexa lost 58 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Alexa lost 58 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Alexa carried the weight of comparison for years, always seen as the “bigger” twin. Over the years, what started as a simple step toward self-love turned into a lifestyle transformation where she found a love for fitness. As life went on, childbirth came with challenges, and she shared with us how she overcame them. Now, 58 pounds lighter, she’s not just celebrating her transformation – she’s embracing the growth that came with it.

Alexa before and after weight loss

Social Media:
Instagram & Tiktok: @bodiedbyalexa


What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
I have always wanted to change the label that stuck with me since childhood. I was called the “fat one” in comparison to my twin.

How did you change your eating habits? I started being more mindful of my portion sizes and eating intuitively and not out of boredom. 

What is your workout routine? I started with walking ten steps daily and transitioned to strength training.

How often did you work out? I work out five times a week, Monday-Friday.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight? I started at 208 pounds, and I am down to 150 pounds.

What is your height? I am 5’3″.

When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take? I started six weeks after I delivered my first baby, and it took me six months.

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey? No, I have not done any surgical procedures.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? The change begins with your mindset.

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? (You have to believe you can do it, and you will) 

Weight Loss Transformation Story

My name is Alexandra, but friends call me Alexa. I am a 26-year-old mother of two, and I live in Houston, Texas. From an early age, I battled with being compared to my twin and being labeled the “fat one.” This affected my growing confidence even before I became a teenager, and I found myself feeling insecure as early as 11 years old.

I knew deep down I needed to change this label that seemed stuck to me. Years passed, and I lived with this misery for almost a decade until 2018, when I finally found the courage to start, not knowing where it would take me and really do it this time. I finally got it down, shed all the weight, and discovered how passionate I am about fitness because it changed my life. 

My love for fitness blossomed into a lifestyle that not only reshaped my body but also transformed my mindset as a whole. I often sought motivation before I committed to anything. Now, I am more disciplined, dedicated, and resilient. 

As I navigated the ups and downs of life, fitness emerged as my anchor. It instilled a sense of purpose and provided a healthy outlet for my stress and anxiety. Each workout became a mini celebration of my strength, pushing me to break barriers and exceed personal limits. (I found myself fully immersed in yoga and nailing head/handstands, which used to be a childhood dream). I learned to appreciate the journey, understanding that progress isn’t just about physical transformation. It’s also about mental clarity and emotional well-being.

I set out on a path to not just be good at it, but my goal is to achieve Greatness with it. At the beginning of 2019, I scraped my savings and invested in myself to become a Certified Fitness Coach. Not just because I wanted the certification but because I wanted to learn the actual science behind Fitness.

Alexa postpartum weight loss

Along the way, I found love, got married, and before we knew it, we were expecting our first child. Little did I know that postpartum would be a roller coaster of showing up for myself to find ME again. 

Despite my years of training, I felt like my body failed me, and I was almost unrecognizable. I battled with my mind to stop beating myself up and pick up the courage to fight this fight again and overcome it. At six months postpartum, I was happy and thrilled with my results. 

To all the moms who feel the same way I did, this is your reminder that you can find your way again. You have to start with believing it. 

Looking back today, I have just delivered my second child. I’m currently three months postpartum, and I feel amazing. I feel confident and blessed to have experienced the ups and downs of transitioning from a young woman to a mother to further strengthen my mind and abilities. I have learned so much along the way to help a new mom on her journey to discover her new self.

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