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HomePhotography30 Creative Ideas to Sell Out Your Next Retreat

30 Creative Ideas to Sell Out Your Next Retreat

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Planning a retreat but worried about filling those spots? You’re in the right place. As someone who’s attended over 20 retreats across the globe (& facilitating two myself), I know firsthand how much goes into curating a transformative experience—and selling it out. Through my blog and social media channels, I’ve successfully marketed hundreds of retreats, so I understand the strategies that work.

Whether it’s your first retreat or you’re a seasoned host, these 30 creative ideas will help you sell out your next retreat with ease, attracting YOUR tribe for your event.

My practical tips to promote your retreats
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How to Sell Out Retreats: 30 Best Practices in 2024

Looking to create the most amazing retreat experience but aren’t sure how to market it? Then, you’ll want to implement these best practices below.

Before we begin, let me be honest with you… In 2024, the vast majority of retreats are not profitable. This is because most retreat hosts focus on the wrong things. It’s hard to sell retreats to strangers, and it requires you to work smart rather than work hard. Having the right process in place is key!

If you follow all the tips and strategies outlined in this blog post, you will be successful at filling up your next retreat. I guarantee it!

  • Need help filling up your next retreat? Give me a shout at jon@myglobalviewpoint. When I’m not busy traveling, I do consulting for retreat hosts and venues. Send me an email if you want more details on that (more details are found at the end of this blog post)!

1. Provide Maximum Value for Your Tribe

One of the biggest mistakes retreat hosts make is offering vague promises like a “holistic experience” without clearly defining the value. To truly sell out your retreat, you need to provide real and tangible value that directly meets the needs of your audience.

Clearly define who your retreat is for, what specific problems or desires you’re addressing, and how participants will benefit. Avoid fluff. Focus on the objectives: Will they gain clarity? Build confidence? Heal emotionally? Be explicit about the transformation they’ll experience and how it aligns with their goals.

When your offer is crystal clear and targeted, it’s a no-brainer for your ideal audience to sign up!

2. Leverage Early Bird Discounts

Create urgency by offering a discounted rate for the first sign-ups, usually with a clear deadline. This tactic motivates people to commit early. Ensure your early bird offer is promoted well in advance and regularly mention the countdown in your emails and social posts. The key is to create the feeling of missing out on a deal, so keep that deadline front and center.

Alternatively, if providing a discount is out of the question, consider giving another early sign-up perk. Offer a freebie to the first 10 people who sign up, such as a custom retreat journal, a downloadable guide, or exclusive access to a pre-retreat virtual event. This added incentive motivates people to commit early.

3. Create Buzz with a Waitlist

Build anticipation by offering exclusive early access to a waitlist. Promote this list as VIP, where members get the first opportunity to reserve their spot before public registration opens. It’s a great way to gauge interest, create scarcity, and secure bookings quickly. Plus, it creates a feeling of exclusivity, encouraging people to join the waitlist and register once it’s open.

4. Offer Referral Discounts

Turn your existing attendees into marketers by offering a referral bonus or discount for bringing a friend. This could be a discount for both the referrer and the new attendee or a special gift, like an additional service at the retreat.

As someone with a large social media presence, retreat hosts pay me all the time for my referrals. I think it’s really important to make win-wins, and referral discounts are a great way to do that.

Referrals come with built-in trust, so they’re a powerful marketing tool. Make sure it’s easy for attendees to share their unique referral link.

5. Tap into Local Communities or Groups

Partner with local wellness centers, yoga studios, or community groups to promote your retreat to their members. Facebook groups are another great way to promote events. These partnerships give you access to engaged, targeted audiences already interested in the retreat’s themes.

6. Promote on Social Media with Testimonials

Social proof is everything. Use past testimonials on Instagram, Facebook, and even LinkedIn to highlight the value of your retreat. Pair these with powerful images or videos from past events. Testimonials from attendees add credibility and help people envision themselves having the same transformative experience.

7. Host a Free Webinar or Workshop

Offer a taste of your retreat’s value by hosting a free online workshop or webinar. Give a mini-version of what attendees can expect, like a short session on mindfulness or goal-setting. Make sure to include a call-to-action promoting your retreat, highlighting why joining will take things to the next level. This gives potential attendees a low-risk way to experience your offering.

8. Use Professional Imagery & Videos

High-quality visuals are essential. Invest in professional photos and videos that capture the essence of your retreat—think peaceful landscapes, group activities, and shots of relaxation. These visuals help potential attendees imagine themselves there. Use these images on social media, in emails, and on your retreat page to make it visually compelling.

Don’t have your own photos that you can use for the event? I recommend using stock photos from Unsplash (though be sure to double check the images for any licensing requirements). Alternatively, you can use AI image software like Midjourney.

high resolution photo of a retreat centerhigh resolution photo of a retreat center
High resolution photos of the retreat venue are key

9. Utilize Influencers or Micro-Influencers

Partnering with influencers can give your retreat a significant boost in visibility. Choose influencers whose followers align with your target market. Micro-influencers (10k-50k followers) often have more engaged audiences, and their endorsement can be very effective. Offer them a spot at your retreat in exchange for promotion or affiliate commissions for each referral.

As a travel blogger, I’ve received several free retreats over the years in exchange for promotion. I’ve found these partnerships to be quite synergistic. I love win wins!

10. Run a Limited-Time Giveaway

Launch a giveaway that offers a free spot at your retreat or a related prize. Instagram and TikTok are especially great platforms for this.

To enter, have participants share the post, tag friends, or sign up for your mailing list. This increases visibility and brings your retreat to a wider audience. Make the giveaway short and build excitement, creating urgency for people to participate.

11. Create a Dedicated Landing Page

Your retreat needs a clear, well-designed landing page. This page should highlight the itinerary, benefits, testimonials, and pricing options. Keep it clean, simple, and mobile-friendly. Make sure the call-to-action is clear (“Book your spot now!”). You can also include a countdown timer or early bird pricing to add urgency.

While it may seem obvious to include a dedicated landing page, you’d be surprised how many retreat hosts just use a payment/shopping screen without all the relevant programming and FAQs for participants to see. If you’re looking to market a retreat that’s over $2,000, it’s especially important to be thorough!

12. Email Your Mailing List

If you’ve already got a list of potential attendees, don’t forget to nurture them! Send targeted email campaigns, announcing your retreat, sharing exclusive discounts, or showing behind-the-scenes prep. Make sure each email has a clear call-to-action and builds excitement. Regularly update them with reminders as spots fill up.

Don’t already have an email list? I highly recommend ConvertKit, which I have been using for years.

13. Bundle with a Bonus Offer

Sweeten the deal for your retreat by offering a bonus service or product. This could be an additional coaching session, a 1:1 follow-up after the retreat, or exclusive downloadable materials. Offering something extra creates more perceived value and incentivizes attendees to book sooner rather than later.

14. Highlight Limited Availability

Scarcity is a strong motivator. Emphasize how many spots are available (or how many are left). People are more likely to book if they feel they might miss out. Use language like “Only 3 spots left!” in your marketing to encourage fast action.

15. Feature Guest Speakers or Special Guests

Announcing a guest speaker or special facilitator adds value to your retreat. Partner with experts in your field who will draw their audience as well. When done correctly, this strategy alone will help you fill up your retreat!

If your guest has a strong following, their endorsement can elevate your retreat’s appeal. Be sure to highlight this collaboration in your promotional materials.

Guest speakers are a great tool to promote eventsGuest speakers are a great tool to promote events
Guest speakers are a great tool to promote retreat events

16. Partner with a Relevant Brand or Business

Collaborate with a business that shares your target audience. For example, partner with a wellness brand or a local business related to your retreat’s theme. They can promote your retreat to their audience, and you can offer their products or services as a bonus for attendees. This cross-promotion widens your reach.

Bonus tip: If you’re able to find some good brand partners in your niche, don’t hesitate to ask for sponsorship. I have some friends in the retreat space who make $5k+ per retreat through corporate sponsors!

17. Run Facebook and Instagram Ads

This is one of the most full-proof methods to sell out your retreat. Paid ads are a great way to target a specific audience. Create ads that emphasize the unique aspects of your retreat, using engaging visuals and a clear call to action.

Target your ads based on location, interests, and demographics to ensure they reach people most likely to attend your retreat. Retargeting ads for people who visited your landing page also helps increase conversions.

I’ve personally found HUGE success by running Facebook/Meta ads. If you can get the cost per click low enough and target the right demographics, you will be unstoppable!

18. Feature Attendee Testimonials in Stories

Instagram and Facebook Stories are an engaging way to showcase real attendee experiences. Share short video clips or quotes from past participants, giving potential attendees a behind-the-scenes look. Make it interactive by adding polls or “swipe-up” links to your retreat registration page.

19. Offer a Payment Plan Option

Make your retreat more accessible by offering flexible payment plans. A high upfront cost may deter some attendees, but splitting the cost into monthly payments makes it more feasible. I recommend using a payment plan via Affirm or Stripe. Highlight this option on your landing page and in your promotional materials to encourage sign-ups from those who may need financial flexibility.

20. Create a Hashtag Campaign

Develop a unique hashtag for your retreat and encourage your community to use it when sharing related content. This increases visibility and creates a sense of belonging. Every time someone posts with the hashtag, your retreat reaches new audiences organically, and people can follow along with your updates.

21. Feature a Day-by-Day Itinerary

Potential attendees want to know what they’re signing up for, so publish a clear and detailed itinerary. Outline the retreat activities, meals, free time, and any workshops or excursions. A well-structured itinerary helps attendees see the value and anticipate the experience they’ll have at the retreat.

Retreat programming needs to clearly communicated to prospective guests Retreat programming needs to clearly communicated to prospective guests
Retreat programming needs to clearly communicated to prospective guests

22. Promote on Podcast Interviews

Podcasts are an effective way to reach niche audiences. Share your retreat experience and expertise on relevant podcasts. Discuss the unique benefits of your retreat, and be sure to mention where listeners can learn more and sign up. Many podcast listeners are engaged and more likely to convert.

If you’re not sure how to get featured on a podcast, just ask. There are literally millions of niche podcasts out there who are looking for guests. If you’re looking to host a retreat, chances are you’re an interesting enough person haha.

Another underrated strategy: post on your own Facebook/Instagram that you’re looking to jump on a podcast. I’m sure you have some friends or connections who would love to host you!

23. Use Retreat Countdown Timers

Add a countdown timer to your retreat’s landing page and email campaigns. Seeing a ticking clock adds urgency and reminds potential attendees that time is running out to secure their spot. This simple visual cue can be a powerful motivator for hesitant buyers.

24. Launch a ‘Behind-the-Scenes’ Campaign

Show the behind-the-scenes prep for your retreat on social media. Share updates about the venue, itinerary planning, or special features. People love transparency and seeing the work that goes into creating an event. It builds trust and excitement for what’s to come.

25. Offer VIP Packages

Create tiered pricing with a special VIP option for those wanting an enhanced experience. Offer extra perks like a private session, exclusive swag, or a luxury accommodation upgrade. I recently met a guy at a retreat in Costa Rica who paid $8,000 for a luxury villa accommodation in the rainforest. Trust me, there are tons of people out there who have lots of “FU money.”

VIP packages appeal to attendees looking for a premium experience, increasing your overall sales and revenue.

26. Leverage Testimonials from Facilitators/Teachers

If you’re collaborating with facilitators or guest teachers, ask them to share their experience and endorsement. Their credibility can provide an added layer of trust for potential attendees. These testimonials can be featured on your landing page, in social media posts, and in emails.

27. Feature a Special Group Rate

Encourage group sign-ups by offering a discount for friends or couples who book together. This not only helps fill more spots at once but also creates a more enjoyable experience for attendees who want to share the retreat with people they know. Mention the group rate prominently in your marketing to incentivize larger bookings.

28. Offer Continuing Education Credits

If your retreat aligns with a professional field (e.g., yoga, coaching, wellness), offer accredited continuing education credits. This gives attendees a practical incentive to join, particularly for professionals looking to further their careers while also enjoying the retreat experience.

29. Offer a Post-Retreat Follow-Up Program

Attract more sign-ups by including a follow-up coaching or group session after the retreat. Integration is key, and I’ve found that most retreat hosts neglect this important area. So, if you want to stand out, mention how you will help participants integrate the experience afterwards!

This keeps the momentum going, offering continued support and growth. Highlight the extra value attendees get from this follow-up as a bonus for booking.

Me enjoying SantoriniMe enjoying Santorini
Me enjoying Santorini after a recent wellness retreat

30. Shameless Plug: Hire Me as Your Retreat Consultant

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the messaging, marketing, and programming that goes into hosting a retreat—let me take that off your plate! I’ve successfully sold out hundreds of retreats using proven strategies, and I’m here to help you do the same.

From crafting the perfect message to creating promotional strategies, I’ll help you handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on delivering an amazing experience.

Here are some ways I can help you:

  • Gap Analysis & Audit of Programming – Review your retreat’s current programming, identify weaknesses or gaps, and provide actionable feedback to ensure your retreat is aligned with participant expectations and delivers real value.
  • Promotional Strategy Development – Create a custom marketing plan to help you target the right audience and effectively promote your retreat through social media, email campaigns, and ads.
  • Messaging & Branding Consultation – Help you craft clear, compelling messaging and branding that speaks directly to your target audience and sets your retreat apart from the competition.
  • Content Creation – Develop high-quality content for social media, blogs, and landing pages, including visuals and engaging copy to attract and convert potential attendees.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns – Design and implement an email marketing sequence to build anticipation, highlight benefits, and drive early sign-ups through targeted email lists.
  • Social Media Strategy & Management – Create a social media plan that will help you manage and engage with the audience to build excitement and promote your retreat across various platforms.
  • Landing Page Optimization – Audit and enhance your retreat’s landing page to maximize conversions, ensuring the messaging, design, and calls to action are clear and compelling.
  • Influencer & Partnership Outreach – Identify and connect with influencers or complementary brands that can help co-promote the retreat to a broader, relevant audience.
  • Payment Plan & Pricing Strategy – Advise on pricing tiers and payment plan options to make the retreat accessible to a wider audience, while maintaining profitability.
  • Post-Retreat Follow-Up Strategy – Develop a follow-up plan for continued engagement after the retreat, ensuring participants stay connected and invested, and are more likely to join future events.

Ready to sell out your retreat? Contact me via email: jon@myglobalviewpoint.com for more info, and let’s make it happen!

  • NOTE: Due to my extensive travels, I have a very limited bandwidth on how many people I can work with. So, if I can’t partner with you at this time, don’t take it personally!
Me speaking at a retreat in MadeiraMe speaking at a retreat in Madeira
Hey I’m Jon! And I want to help you crush your next retreat!

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